It’s on Straight Floats?, It needs to go Where!?…

No Problem!

Active Straight Floats Pilot in 2025!!

USA + Canada

Does your Seaplane Need to go from A to Z?

Private Ferry Pilot Services for Your Airplane

Extensive experience flying Straight Floats Seaplanes across long distances!

It’s Hard? What about Fuel? But Where do you… - We figure it out! and move Seaplanes!

Experience operating privately in Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, British Columbia, Alaska, & Florida.
Commercial experience in Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska
Experience finding and ferrying Fuel for Remote Seaplane Trips with multiple North/South and East/West Cross Country Trips
Passion for Flight Planning and Travel Logistics — I will not make “Where to get gas” Your problem, I can figure it out!

My primary experience is flying Straight Floats Seaplanes to & from the middle of nowhere, I’d be happy to safely relocate your Seaplane!

Commercial Pilot Single Engine Sea & Land
Initial Rating completed on Straight Floats in C180 Skywagon
Commercial Pilot Initial completed on Straight Floats in DHC-2
Instrument Rated and Current

Time in Types
1,500+ Total Time
1,000+ Single Engine Sea
750 in Cessna 180 Skywagon on Straight Floats
325 in DHC-2 Beaver on Straight Floats

Additional Land & Sea Experience in PA-24, LA-4, C-172, PA-28

Own and Operate 3 Private Airplanes - DHC-2, PA-24, LA-4
Previously owned C-180 Skywagon

Dual Citizen - US & Canada
Authorized to work in both countries.

DHC-2 Beaver

Cessna 180/185 Skywagon

Over 1,000 Hours of operating Beavers and Skywagons on Straight Floats - Privately as Owner/Operator, and as a Commercial Pilot in Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. Extensive experience and specialty with these airplanes.

Straight Floats Seaplane Ferry Service